LSVT Coach
Not enough hours in the day for documentation?
Get the LSVT Coach – a speech and voice data collection option.
Documentation of outcomes is essential to all aspects of our job as speech-language pathologists. Documentation provides:
- Knowledge of results for clients and clinicians
- Objective and subjective measures of change
- Evidence for achieving goal
One of the hallmarks of LSVT LOUD documentation is the objective measurement of acoustic data. Sound pressure level (loudness), frequency (pitch) and duration are all performance indicators we track over time.
The LSVT Coach, Professional Edition was designed to efficiently quantify these objective measures within the confines of busy clinical practice.
“I feel like the LSVT Coach does all the work so I can spend my time paying attention to my clients and their voice needs.”
What is the LSVT Coach?
The LSVT Coach consists of a software program paired with an external calibrated microphone. This combination offers valid and reliable acoustic measurement of sound pressure level (SPL), frequency and duration.
The data collection is specifically tailored to the LSVT LOUD protocol. Automated data averaging offers a fast and efficient summary of session results. Say goodbye to lost data, illegible numbers scribbled on paper, and excessive time spent averaging data.
A recent software validation study revealed acoustic findings consistent with our published research using an earlier version of the LSVT Coach. We have maintained these high calibration standards to date.
"I have been able to see more LSVT LOUD patients in a day because of the huge cut back in time needed to compile objective data.”
Why is this important?
Calibrated SPL is tricky to measure accurately and normally requires very expensive, dedicated instruments. Using unclassed sound level meters or loudness apps may provide inaccurate and inconsistent results.
The LSVT Coach allows you to easily collect valid and reliable measures in your clinic.
“I love the LSVT Coach. There is no way I’d willingly go back to collecting LSVT LOUD data manually. It is a huge time saver and improves my productivity!”
Not only is it a time saving, data collecting tool, but it also is an exercise aide.
The LSVT Coach has both a Professional and Client Edition. These collectively:
- Provide visual feedback that can help motivate client performance
- Offer interactive visual and auditory feedback for home exercise
- Can be used with all ages
- Can be used with all voice clients when data are of interest or visual feedback is valuable
Free yourself from the labor of paper/pencil data collection.
What computers does the LSVT Coach work with?
The system is PC based only at this time. It is not compatible with Macs, iPads, tablets, or smart phones. It can work successfully on minimum PC requirements of:
- Windows Based platforms
- Microsoft® Compatible 1GHz Pentium Class Computer with 512 Mb RAM
- Windows® 10, Windows® 11 operating systems
- Microsoft Excel
"Cannot imagine collecting data without it.”